Standings & Postseason

Division Standings show team results after scorecards are entered and approved. Once the season is under way, teams compete for position utilizing player strength and good team management to rise to the top. ALTA is pleased to announce our NEW line up checker to help team leaders avoid costly line up mistakes and ultimate point losses. Team Leaders are encouraged to make use of this tool that could ultimately make a difference in the final rankings in their division. The top teams continue play into the postseason playoffs and city finals. Finishing as the Division Winner, Division Runner-up, City Finalist or City Winner all make a difference in the upward movement of a team for the next season.

Standings & Postseason

Division Standings

Week-to-week standings are displayed after scorecard results are approved by coordinators. At season’s end, the division-winning teams celebrate by earning that coveted bag tag in a color selected by the current ALTA president. Now it’s time to get the team ready for playoffs and dream of a possible appearance at City Finals!

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All division winners and runners-up advance to the playoffs. Third-place teams are included as needed to fill out the playoff draws. Schedule information packets available at the start of the season in the Documents section of the website outline the playoffs and how teams are seeded. Single elimination through the playoffs allows the strongest teams to advance to City Finals.

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City Finals

The last two teams remaining in each A, B or C level flight at the end of playoffs compete in City Finals located at various tennis facilities as selected by each league vice president. Competitive tennis along with themed food and table décor top off a successful season. To celebrate their day, ALTA logo sportswear, towels, blankets, etc., are available for purchase at City Finals venues. Winning is the best outcome, but there are no losers at City Finals!

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