Ladders & Mixers

ALTA offers junior and adult tennis opportunities outside of league play. The Junior Challenge Ladder is designed to teach, promote and develop good conduct and sportsmanship while providing advanced singles competition for tournament level junior players. The ladder has a an awards program to give players an opportunity to earn recognition for their accomplishments and achievements. Adult mixers held between league seasons are a fun way for adults to play with their partner of choice. They consist of a round-robin format at A, B and C levels of play. Mixers are social in nature and offer door prizes, snacks, and drinks. ALTA is hosting both tennis and pickleball mixers and social events throughout the year.

Ladders & Mixers

Junior Challenge Ladder

The ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder is a special tennis program to promote singles competition for the serious junior player. The JCL runs one 14-week season starting in August and ending in December. You can find this year’s dates online in the ALTA calendar and in each issue of Net News.

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Players at all levels can hone their skills by competing in mixers throughout the year. Each round-robin tournament is divided into competition groups based on the pair's current ALTA league levels. ALTA offers both tennis and pickleball events at various locations throughout Atlanta. 

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