
Making the playoffs is a time to celebrate a successful season! The ALTA Lineup Checker is your resource to see the options you have for each post season round. It’s a good idea to confirm player availability again for all playoff match dates and City Finals. (Now is not the time to find out your line 1 players have a cruise on the calendar.) Your coordinator is a seasoned ALTA volunteer and will be your best resource as you continue your march toward City Finals. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!


Search by league to see the draw sheets at any level flight. The system waits to show the home team designation until both teams for the specific playoff match are identified.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 33 items
2025WinterMixed Doubles AA-1
2025WinterMixed Doubles AA-2
2025WinterMixed Doubles AA-3
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-1
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-2
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-3
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-4
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-5
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-6
2025WinterMixed Doubles A-7

Check out Division Standings

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