51 items

-Log in > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > My Rosters

-In roster listing, please see the Roster ID column and find the ID for the league and season desired

-Log in > Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > New/Reinstate Rosters

-Select a league to enter a roster > Click New

-Read and acknowledge the bullet point items to start the process

-Click Add Player to Search and Select players for this new team

-If you are not planning to pay any unpaid dues, you will need to remove those players and add them back before the end of the roster correction period

-Make sure you have the minimum number of paid players to enter your roster

-You must certify that you have permission from all players to put them on this team

-You will receive a warning if players you are entering on this roster are already on another roster 

-Select captains or managers for this new team

-Select the Home Facility for this team

-Add designees if you want others than the captains or managers and roster creator to be able to see the team tracking sheet and opposing team contact information on the schedule, and to make player adds

-Designees may be added and deleted as needed throughout the season

-The roster creator will automatically be included as a designee but can be removed from team management, if appropriate, and remain in history as the one who submitted the roster

-Select Requested Level Flight

-Choose any rankings that currently apply to your team members

-Only complete Request for Review if the team has special circumstances that will affect their level/flight placement

-Note warnings under 9: Error Check and click Previous to make changes or click Next to Pay

-All players must be paid in order to complete the new roster

-Emails will be sent to your players confirming their addition to this roster and also sent to other captains if you have added a player they currently have on their roster in the same league

-A Roster Summary page will appear with your new Roster confirmation number

-Print a copy for your record

-Log in > My Rosters/New Reinstate > My Rosters 

-Search through the filters if needed, or click on the ellipsis to the left of the roster you desire

-Log in > Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > New/Reinstate 

-Select a league to enter a roster > Click Reinstate button 

-Read and acknowledge the bullet point items to start the process

-Remove players from the past roster that will not remain on the team

-Click Add Player to Search and Select players to add to the team

-If you are not planning to pay any unpaid dues, you will need to remove those players and add them back before the end of the roster correction period

-Make sure you have the minimum number of paid players to enter your roster

-You must certify that you have permission from all players to put them on this team

-You will receive a warning if players you are entering on this roster are already on another roster in the same league 

-Select/verify captains or managers for this team

-Select/verify the Home Facility for this team

-Add designees if you want others than the captains, managers and roster creator to be able to see the team tracking sheet and opposing team contact information on the schedule, and to make player adds

-Designees may be added and deleted as needed throughout the season

-The roster creator will automatically be included as a designee but can be removed from team management, if appropriate, and remain in history as the one who submitted the roster

-Select Requested Level Flight

-Choose any rankings that currently apply to your team members

-Only complete Request for Review if the team has special circumstances that will affect their level/flight placement

-Note the warnings: Error Check and click Previous to make changes or click Next to Pay

-Emails will be sent to your players confirming their addition to this roster and also sent to other captains if you have added a player they currently have on their roster in the same league

-A Roster Summary page will appear with your new Roster confirmation number

-Print a copy for your record

-Changes to a roster may only be made during roster entry including the 5 day corrections period following the roster entry deadline  

-You must have the appropriate permissions on the site to change a roster: Roster creators, captains, co-captains, managers, co-managers and designees are able to make these changes 

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Roster OR My Rosters & New Reinstate > My Rosters > Select from the ellipsis on the left for the appropriate roster

-On the Roster Members page in the Position column, remove the leader position and give that member a player status

-Change another player to a captain or manager status

-Save at the bottom of the page

-Click Roster / Facility tab to the left and Select by Facility Name to choose a new facility

-Save at the bottom of the page

-During the season, each league has a calendar date after which players may be added to teams

-Each league has a limit to the number of players that can be added to a team during the regular season

-A player must be added by midnight before the match to be eligible to play in the match

-Players must play or be listed on match scorecards a minimum of 2 times to be eligible for the playoffs

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Rosters

-Enter the ALTA number of the player > Add-On, OR click the Search button to find the player to add

-After you get notice that the player can be added, please be sure and click the Save button


-Removal can only be done during roster entry including the corrections period that lasts 5 days after the roster entry deadline  

-Each time you are added to a roster you will receive an email which provides the contact number and email address of your captain or manager

-Please contact your captain or manager to remove you from the roster 

-Adult Rules I. G. 4. -  No player may be removed from a roster after the roster correction deadline unless it has been less than three calendar days since notification of the roster addition, and player has not been listed on a scorecard. Player must contact ALTA customer service to be removed from the roster and notify the captain of the request.

-At the end of the season, within 30 days from the last scheduled match, if you have not played or been listed on a scorecard to accept a default, you can ask that the roster be removed from your history

-Log in > Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > Postseason Deletion > New

-Leagues where you are eligible to be removed from the roster will display

-Select to begin the removal process

-You will receive an email from ALTA confirming that you are on more than one roster in the same league

-Please advise ALTA of the roster(s) you want to be deleted from

-If ALTA does not know your desired team, you will be removed from all teams when you are on multiple teams in the same league

-You may be added back to any of the teams that submitted you on their roster

-A Designee is an ALTA member assigned by a team leader to take on a leadership role for a team

-Designees can enter scorecards, see a team's tracking sheet, use the lineup checker, add eligible players to the team and have access to opposing captain contact information

-Designees can be added and removed as needed 

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Rosters > Designees > Add Designee

-A Designee can be a current team member, or any other ALTA member that is desired to assist


-Winter: Mixed Doubles and Senior Mixed Leagues 

-Spring and Fall:  Men and Senior Day Men; Sunday, Thursday and Senior Day Women

-Summer:  Mixed Doubles and Senior Men/Women

-No one under 18 years of age may be placed on a roster in any Adult League 

-To be placed on a Senior League roster, a player must be at least 45 years of age within the calendar year

-To be placed on a Senior Day League roster, a player must be at least 55 years of age within the calendar year

-To be placed on a Junior League roster, the player must be at least 7 years of age and no older than 18 years of age within the calendar year


-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup

-Use the Switch Teams button if you are on multiple teams 

-OR from the Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > Rosters > Schedule from ellipsis to the left 

-You must be a captain, co-captain, manager, co-manager, roster creator or designee to access tracking sheets

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Team Tracking Sheet

-OR Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > My Rosters > Tracking Sheet from ellipsis to the left of the desired roster

-The tracking sheet is available once schedules are posted

-Without logging in you can click on the hamburger menu in the upper right of the Home Page and select Playoffs

-The Playoffs page will open with filters to find the league information you desire

-Log in > Member Portal > My Resources > Playoffs

-OR Member Portal > My Active Teams > Playoffs with view limited to only post season play for your league level flight

-Without logging in you can click on the hamburger menu in the upper right of the Home Page and select Division Standings

-The Division Standings page will open with filters to find the league information you desire

-Log in > Member Portal > My Resources > Division Standings

-OR Member Portal > My Active Teams > Division Standings for your active team(s) standings

-After your schedule is determined, your coordinator will be assigned

-Your coordinator serves as the primary resource for questions from captains and team managers

-Your coordinator validates scorecards and post season lineups, communicates with captains and managers throughout the season and facilitates the city finals match

-As a player, you should contact your captain with any issues

-Your captain should be the one to contact the coordinator

-Coordinator contact information is available on the schedules or dashboard for team leaders including the captain, co-captain, manager, co-manager and designees

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup   

-OR Member Portal > My Active Teams > Dashboard under Team Info & Standings

-OR Member Portal > My Rosters & New/Reinstate > My Rosters > Schedule from the ellipsis on the left

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Scorecards

-Switch teams if you are taken to the wrong team and then select the scorecard for the appropriate match > Click the print icon

-For past scorecards, go to My Rosters & New/Reinstate > My Rosters > Schedule > Clicking on a match will reveal the scorecard

-You may also print a blank scorecard from ALTA Documents

-Sign cards at the end of the match

-Partial scorecards may be saved

-When complete, click Check Box and Save to submit

-Adult League - players, captains or co-captains, roster creators, designees or members of adult teams may submit match scorecards

-Junior League - team managers or co-managers, roster creators or designees may submit match scorecards  

-Office staff, League VPs, Coordinators, First VP and Overall Coordinators may submit match scorecards

-Partial scorecards may be saved  

-When complete, click Check Box and Save to submit

-After 24 hours, both captains get an email reminder  

-If scorecard has been entered but not approved, the approving side gets an email reminder

-After 48 hours, if the scorecard is entered but not approved, it is auto-approved and the coordinator is notified

-After 48 hours, if the scorecard is still missing, the coordinator is notified

-Email notifications have been turned off for playoffs and city finals


-ALTA wants to know that you agree with the scorecard as it was entered by your opponent

-In order for a scorecard to be disputed, it must have been submitted by the opposing team

-You must be a member of the team that played and is disputing the scorecard, or an office staff member, a league vp, coordinator, or overall coordinator

-The scorecard will be shown as read-only except for a section to enter reviewer comments and a section to approve or dispute

-Select Dispute and add your comments to help your coordinator understand the issue

-Save your selection

-The original scorecard cannot be changed after it is saved

-Coordinators need to be notified of mistaken scorecard entries within 10 days of the match in question  

-Coordinators can adjust the scorecard after verifying the issue(s)

-A modified scorecard will be shown first when viewing the scorecard for that particular match

Log in > Member Portal > Members & Memberships > Member Search

-Identify the player you are looking for

-Select Play History to the left of their name

-Your roster's Assigned LF is where the team is placed at the beginning of the season

-The Final LF is given to the roster based on the team's performance during the season

-Each team member carries this team rating forward

-ALTA does not give players individual ratings

-Use the hamburger menu on the Home Page to Find Players and/or Teams

-Choose Teams Looking for Players to list your team and let members know you need players

-In Teams Looking for Players, members can contact these teams as interested

-Choose the Players Looking for Teams and list yourself to be contacted

In Players Looking for Teams, captains can look for players to possibly join their teams

-This allows a secure way to make contact, and find players and teams

-In order to view a member's ALTA number, you must be an ALTA member

-Log in > Member Portal > Members & Memberships > Member Search

-Search and see member ALTA numbers

-From the Home page menu, choose Facilities > Request New Facility

-Complete New Facility Request Application

-Agree to the terms and Submit

-A confirmation screen will be shown for your request

-It can take up to 30 days to approve a new ALTA facility


-ALTA does not carry General Liability insurance coverage for its members  

-There are nearly 1,000 ALTA-approved facilities at which league matches are played, and it is the responsibility of each of those facilities to carry General Liability insurance for people who play tennis on their courts

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Availability  

-Team players enter their availability for each match and use the Save button to save their entries  

-Team Leaders may enter availability for any team member and for themselves

-Total available players for the match are shown and divided by male and female depending on the league 

-The system does not allow availability entry after match scorecards have been entered  

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup > Lineup

-Only team leaders can create and edit the lineup

-Anyone connected to the team can click the Lineup link to see the lineup once it has been published

-Coordinators cannot see team lineups

-The lineup can be a work in progress using Save Draft, or can be completed using Check Lineup and then Publish lineup to send emails to the team

-A published lineup will populate the match scorecard.

-Captains select players for the various lines from the drop-down that is sorted by player availability

-For mixed teams, the player dropdown will show just men or just women to select for each line in a pair

-Match date and time can be adjusted using the calendar link for the date and the green clock at the bottom for the time

-Date or time changes here are reflected in the publish emails to the team  

-Date changes are carried to the scorecard when the lineup is published.   

-The Check Lineup button will show errors for things like the player's add date and suspensions (eligibility to play), and must be corrected to publish a lineup

-Warnings will be given for movement issues, sandbagging issues, and defaults

-The system needs to be able to tell by date that the match being checked is the next in line and that all previous matches are coordinator approved

-Lineups published with warnings will show those warnings in the publish lineup emails and record them in the system log  

-If a lineup needs to be changed after it is published, team leaders may make the change(s) and Publish again which will send emails to the team and update the match scorecard  

-Playoff lineups will validate pairs using player values and include the coordinator in the publish emails

-There is a link to the Tracking Sheet from the Lineup checker for leaders to review system warnings

-Player confirmation for the match will show on their schedule and will replace the question mark to the left of their name on the Lineup screen  

-Home matches come with the ability to enter food assignments  

-If food is needed for an away match, there is a box at the top of the screen that can be checked to activate that ability

-Once the scorecard has been entered, the lineup screen for that match is no longer editable

-If last-minute lineup changes are not entered into the lineup screen, your scorecard can reflect those changes without matching the lineup checker 

-There is no requirement to use the lineup checker through the regular season.

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Leader Preferences 

-Leaders have the choice to assign food by line or from a list

-If by line is selected, based on the league, the number of players/lines are shown for each to have a set assignment  

-If by list, create and save a list that will show from the drop down on the lineup screen  

For example: 




Paper goods

Dessert and bananas

-If you are assigning food to team members who are not playing, please use the comment box at the bottom of the Lineup page for the team to see when the lineup is published

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup

-The new version of the team schedule shows opposing teams that are clickable to open the accordion with match information

-Individual player and food assignments for the match show on the schedule after the lineup has been published

-Players confirm their place in the lineup by opening the accordion on the schedule and confirming, or going to the lineup screen and clicking the question mark by their name and confirming or confirming from the publish email  

-Team Leaders who have approved to show their email address to opposing team leaders will have their email addresses showing on the schedule when the accordion is opened 

-The printer icon on this page will print the schedule version from the old site   

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Dashboard

-Team information shows in this area from the point the season schedules are released

-If a player is on more than one team in a season, the Switch Teams button will allow switching between the teams

-A default view can be set to see 3 upcoming matches in one league or to see all your teams upcoming matches in date order  

-Teams, where members are a Designee only, will show with an orange band in lieu of the green band  

-An abbreviated version of Division Standings shows team totals once your team has a schedule 

-Team leader information is displayed to the team and Coordinator information is displayed to the Team Leaders  

-If a lineup is published for the team, players may confirm directly from the email that is sent from the ALTA website  

-Players may also Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup > Click on the opposing team name or their match assignment on the schedule for an accordion to open > use the buttons to confirm or decline for a match  

-When players confirm or decline to play, team leaders get an email  

-Players may confirm directly on the Lineup screen by clicking on the "?" and then the buttons to accept or decline to play in the match  

-Captains may click the "?" for any players to confirm their spot in the lineup

-Log in > Member Portal > My Active Teams > Schedule & Lineup > Lineup

-Only team leaders have rights to create a match lineup

-After selecting Check Lineup and handling any errors or warnings, a lineup can be published to send an email to the entire team

-Correcting a lineup already published requires republishing to send a revised lineup to the entire team

-Changes are shown in red

-Positions with changes if previously confirmed require a new confirmation 

-Only matches finished early, ahead of another scheduled match will change the order of tracking

-Playing some lines early, but finishing the match on the originally scheduled date does not change the order of tracking for any lines in that match

-Matches rained out of the originally scheduled date are tracked on the scheduled date


-After logging in, if not taken directly to the Member Portal, use the down arrow at the end of your email address at the top in the green bar to Select the Member Portal

-The Member Portal contains all ALTA information as it relates to you, the member 

-Log in > Member Portal

-Your ALTA number is listed in the box on the left under your name 

-Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Preferences

-Check the box to allow your email address to be shown to opposing team leaders

-This check box stays for all teams that you are managing

-Save your selection


-Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Preferences

-Select the court side, Ad or Deuce, or No Preference

-This selection shows in the lineup checker next to your name

-Save your selection

-Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Password

-Update and save new usernames or passwords according to the outlined requirements

-Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Profile  

-Use Profile Photo tab on left

-Select and upload a photo with 1:1 aspect ratio to avoid distortion

-Save your work 

-Potential new members, please click Join ALTA on the Home Page

-To renew membership(s) - Log in > Member Portal > Members & Memberships > Renew Memberships

-To renew just your own membership - Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Membership Renewal

-If you do not remember your username or password, click to Sign In on the Home Page, then Forgot Username or Forgot Password

-When you first join ALTA, you are assigned a member number

-Your original member number is the only member number that should be renewed for you to contain all of your ALTA history

-It's against the ALTA rules to utilize more than one member number per member

-Once a membership is purchased or renewed, it is nonrefundable

-Log in > Member Portal > My Account > My Profile

-Select and edit your information on the Contact Information page

-Save your changes

-Age Requirement: No player may have reached his/her 11th birthday on or before March 1st prior to the Spring season he/she wishes to play or before September 1st prior to the Fall season which he/she wishes to play

-Use Orange Low Compression Balls that are reusable for the entire season

-Play is an 8 game pro-set 

-Play 7 point tiebreak if games reach 8-8

-Play is on a Small Court

-May choose to play with Jr racquets

-Monitoring is allowed



-Age Requirement: No player may have reached his/her 13th birthday on or before March 1st prior to the Spring season he/she wishes to play or before September 1st prior to the Fall season which he/she wishes to play

-Use Green Dot Balls

-Home team opens 2 cans of balls per match with 2S and 2D reusing opened balls

-Play is an 8 game pro-set

-Play 7 point tiebreak if games reach 8-8

-No monitoring is allowed



-Age Requirement: No player may have reached his/her 16th birthday on or before March 1st prior to the Spring season he/she wishes to play or before September 1st prior to the Fall season which he/she wishes to play

-Use Yellow USTA Approved Balls

-Home team opens 2 cans of balls per match with 2S and 2D reusing opened balls

-Play is an 8 game pro-set

-Play 7 point tiebreak if games reach 8-8

-Age Requirements: No player may have reached his/her 19th birthday on or before March 1st prior to the Spring season in which he/she wishes to play or before September 1st prior to the Fall season which he/she wishes to play. 

-Use Yellow USTA Approved Balls

-Home team opens 4 cans per match, with each line using new balls

-Play 2 adult sets

-If game score reaches 6-6 in a set, a 7 point tiebreak is played to determine the winner of the set

-If sets are split, a 10 point 3rd set tiebreak is played

-Refer to 18U ALTA Documents for formats and score conversions




From less skilled to more skilled:

-10U C5, C3, C1

-12U C5, C3, C1, B3

-15U C4, C3, C1, B1

-18U C1, B1, A1

-Not all level flights are used each season

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